Yesterday Dad had to go into D.C. to help set things up for the Russian President at the Blair House. (He's been SUPER busy with visits these last couple of weeks.) I decided that I might as well take some time off from hanging around the house and do some sightseeing, so Skip dropped me off on Constitution Avenue and I walked to the mall from there. I took a few pictures along the way before my camera died.
At the mall I started at the American History Museum where I learned about Thomas Edison. It was really interesting to see some of his notebooks, the first light bulbs, and other inventions. At the Natural History Museum I saw a new exhibit on ocean life, and an exhibit on the Yu'pik people of Southwestern Alaska. Moving on to the Art Gallery, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Chester Dale collection - a huge collection of art from impressionists to more modern artists. One of my new favorites is this one by Picasso, called Le Gourmet:

I've also been taking advantage of time off "work" to finish a couple of projects. I knit this elephant from a pattern I found here. His name is Elijah. I think he's adorable. I'm going to try to knit a bunny next from the same designer.
I started making two table mats last summer. I made one like it for Grandma Condie for Christmas, and finally finished this one:
I've also been working on reviewing my bobbin lace skills, and finished this book mark:
My next project is lace mats to decorate a set of acrylic coasters:
These are just some of the fun things I've been up to.
Next week I get to go to YW camp. A week in a camp kitchen. I'm expecting lots of fun!
Mom! I LOVE that quilt! You're amazing. I want one exactly like it!