The meals turned out great for the most part, and there was quite a lot of food left over. My favorite was Chicken Alfredo night - definitely a recipe I'll try at home. There were tons of fresh fruits and veggies, including several bushels of South Carolina peaches, of which I ate at least two or three a day!
We learned a lot about cooking and serving a large group. Sandy was a fantastic leader, and we all went from saying on the first hot day that we would never, ever, ever say yes to this again to admitting that we learned a lot and wouldn't mind too much trying this again together. At any rate, we left a lot of notes and advice for whoever takes it on in the future.
Here's my ward, Lake Ridge 2 enjoying their lasagna dinner in the dining hall. For this one we served family style, with the food put out on the tables instead of them going through a serving line:
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