This year, Kara helped me decorate for Christmas. It's always kind of a pain to drag the Christmas storage boxes out from under the stairs, then upstairs, so I always appreciate help with that. After the boxes are out, I take some of the doodads off the shelves in the living room to make room for the Christmas doodads, like nativities, candle holders, nutcrackers, music boxes, and nesting dolls. We put together the artificial tree that we've had for about 12 years now. We love it cause it's fairly tall and narrow. It fits without getting too much in the way between the dining room and living room. After putting the tree together comes the dreaded job (always mine) of testing to see if we have enough working lights to cover the tree. didn't. So after I tried really hard to cover the tree with what we had (I don't like the lights to be sparse), I ran out to CVS to get one more strand. After getting all the lights in place, the ornaments go on. This year, Kara suggested we do more of a theme tree, since we usually just put on the whole ornament collection, so I decided to do crocheted snowflakes, a few crystal ornaments, red berries, and silver balls. I think it looked kind of pretty.

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