As I was blog hopping this afternoon, I found out that November is National Blog Posting Month, also known as NaBloPoMo. You can learn more about it
here. I've been meaning to start blogging again, and maybe this will be what I need to get me started. I haven't officially signed up, but the challenge is to blog everyday in the month of November. I can TRY that.
Blogging is good for me, and not just like eating my vegetables is good for me ( I love vegetables! ) Like President Uchtdorf says (counselor in LDS church presidency), each of us has an inherent desire to create something that did not exist before. I strongly feel that creative desire. Writing is one way I can satisfy that. Recording life helps me keep grounded and focused on what's important and fun about living. Through blogging/journaling, I can leave something to help me remember, and remembering is something that I find myself doing more and more, as I have so many wonderful memories piled up to sort through, learn from, and bask in.
This is first and foremost a family blog, a way of sharing our news, and celebrating what it means to be a family. So, in the spirit of that, here are some of my favorite family moments of the year so far:
Learning that Ryan and Dara were expecting a baby. |
Revisiting Belgian delicacies with Beth in Occoquan
Jamming in Charlottesville with Beth, Ryan, and Kara |
Seeing some beautiful sisters having fun together
Being together for Leslie's wedding in June |
Skip and four of his siblings being able to be sealed to their parents |
Enjoying family times at Grandma and Grandpas including visits from Karyn, Jamie and boys, and the Hullinger crew. |
Spending time in Orem with Laura, Kart, Aiden, Emma and Owen |
Getting to see Beth and Natalie in Provo/Orem too. |
Celebrating Beth's birthday, and eating some pretty amazing cake |
Seeing our children's true colors |
So there's a quick run down of just a few of the highlights. There were so many more, and maybe I'll go into more detail on a few in the days to come. So check in every day, and we'll see if I can keep this up.