This is Emma and Owen. Owen's grown so much since we saw him in the summer. He's crawling now, and is such a pleasant little guy. Laura works in the early morning at the cupcake shop, and Kart is a master at the morning routine. We had fun helping out a little with breakfast, and keeping the kids happy.

One morning we made fall leaf pictures with some stickers I'd brought from home. I use the foam stickers with my church nursery kids all the time. They're easy and fun:

Here are the finished products:

We enjoyed eating a lot of the leftover cupcakes from Cupcake Chic, but as if that wasn't enough cupcakes, and in our quest to further perfect cupcake goodness, we tried a batch of our own Oreo aka Cookies and Cream cupcakes. Everyone helped!

We did some shopping in Salt Lake one day. Laura wanted to check out some baking supply stores, and we found some needed things there, including cupcake supplies, of course! Then since you can't pass up IKEA, and Laura really needed a guest bed for all these Baird Family guests that keep crashing at her house, we bought a fouton there. Emma and Aiden didn't get to spend a lot of time playing there, but they had a few minutes at the rocking chair theater before we started shopping.

One afternoon, we spent some time at a pumpkin patch, playing and picking out pumpkins.

On Saturday, we drove past Salt Lake, to Kaysville to meet up with the Lincoln family - Uncle Ivan, Aunt Luann, and cousins Stephanie, Blythe, and Amy. Uncle Ivan got us complimentary tickets to Lagoon, where we spent a short time letting the kids ride every ride we thought they could handle - boats, helicopters, space ships, cars, etc. (We were a little worried about Emma who had gotten car sick twice in the past few days.) She survived though, and they had a lot of happy, smiley fun. After Lagoon we all met for dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Check out Stephanie's blog for pictures and more on that. We had a lot of fun there, and were glad Kara could be with us there too.
We had such a fun time, even though it was short. I think I'll have to visit again soon. Look for the Mom and Natalie roadtrip coming to a blog near you in a couple of weeks!